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Legor and Valmet: It’s a Union Thanks to a Declared Commitment to a Sustainable Partnership

Legor, Italian leader in producing precious alloys for the jewelry sector and a player in the market for plating solutions in the fashion accessories industry, has partnered with Valmet – leading a network of companies including Valmet Plating, Valmet Refining, and Valmet Ecology – that operates in the fashion sector, offering excellent products and services for accessory processing, as well as in precious metal recovery and sustainable waste management. The two companies have reached a capital agreement that involves Valmet’s entry into Legor Group and the minority reinvestment of Francesco Pallotti in Valmet S.p.A.’s capital.

The emerging Group, with a total turnover in 2023 of over 170 million euros, has demonstrated steady growth by diversifying its business areas and it aims to achieve vertical integration of the business model to more effectively meet customer needs, fostering broad convergence towards advanced sustainability practices, while maintaining the identity and autonomy of each constituent entity. This agreement aims to strengthen Legor and Valmet’s position as leaders in the high-end jewelry and fashion accessory market, establishing them as one of the most significant global players. What is more, it provides added strength for new investments and enhances existing structures.

Massimo Poliero (President and CEO of Legor) emphasized, “The partnership between Legor and Valmet has been primarily made possible by a deep alignment of values that connects our families. This shared ethos has been a key catalyst for furthering collaboration between the companies. The partnership with Valmet extends beyond a mere business transaction; it represents a commitment to establish a reliable and strong entity that can serve as a steadfast reference point in the luxury and jewelry world. It’s a partnership aimed at jointly developing projects increasingly centered on sustainability. The new Group is already investing in developing innovative and responsible solutions for our customers.”

Francesco Pallotti (CEO of Valmet) comments, “In an increasingly dynamic and ever-evolving market, the collaboration between Legor and Valmet represents more than a mere merger; it is a symbol of family unity and ethical sharing. Our roots in integrity, sustainability, and responsibility are not just solid foundations upon which to build, but also a lighthouse illuminating our path toward the future. By combining our expertise, resources, and know-how, we are ready to explore new horizons, charting parallel courses with common objectives, strengthening our position in the industry, and thus, writing a new chapter to better serve our customers and advance our vision.”

With four production sites and four chemical laboratories, Valmet currently plays a leading role in the fashion and fashion accessory industry, integrating its activities with a focus on sustainability. On the other hand, Legor has a strong presence in the Italian and international markets, boasting a network of over ten branches in major jewelry and fashion accessory manufacturing countries. Legor offers products and services based on metallurgical and chemical expertise developed over more than 40 years of experience in the industry. The partnership between Legor and Valmet aims to combine forces to promote environmental responsibility, energy efficiency, and sustainable resource management.

The operation was coordinated for Legor Group by Carmen Poliero, Executive Director, and Corso Balboni, Managing Director, assisted by Francesco Ferragina and Matteo Mancaruso of Kon Group as financial advisors. Legal aspects were handled by the DFA law firm in Vicenza. Valmet was supported by the Battisti & Bellini law firm in Florence and the Vignoli law firm in Florence for tax-related matters. The banking partners involved in the operation were BNL BNP Paribas and UniCredit, supported by the Grimaldi Alliance law firm with a multidisciplinary team led by Lawyers Angelo Alfonso Speranza and Marco Franzini, offering financing aligned with Legor Group’s transition strategies toward sustainability goals.