Legor awaits you at Surface & Coatings 2022

Surface & Coatings, the ASEAN’s exhibition of international reference for surface and treatment, paints, and coatings, is just around the corner.
From 22 to 25 June, in Bangkok, the eighth edition of Surface & Coatings 2022 will bring together the main players of new technologies in the field of surface processing and industrial implementers.
Within this international schedule, Legor could not be missing, which will be present with its Zinc and Zinc Alloys solutions designed to improve anti-corrosion, passivation and sealers.
These products are part of the Industrial Plating Line that is completely dedicated to plating process installations of an industrial scale and the maintenance and management of precious and non-precious metal-based processes.
Legor awaits you at Pavilion 102, Booth 2C18.