Legor in support of the Municipality of Camposampiero with a project to enhance the municipal library

Legor in support of the Municipality of Camposampiero with a project to enhance the municipal library
Legor’s initiatives to support the local community continue.
As part of the 2023 Responsibility Plan, in line with ESG criteria, Legor has chosen to support the Municipality of Camposampiero in a project to enhance the municipal library for a duration of three years. The town holds significant meaning, not only for the company but also for Massimo Poliero, CEO of Legor, as it is where his family has established roots and grown over time, and where he continues to be involved in sports.
The project includes strengthening library services and supporting culturally significant activities for the social fabric and the Camposampiero community, such as exhibitions and cultural competitions. The plan will have positive implications for promoting literacy at all levels, optimizing public spaces, promoting inclusive activities, and supporting cultural and youth-related activities.
Tomorrow, on October 28th, at the Auditorium Teatro Ferrari in Camposampiero, during the inauguration of the international exhibition of children’s illustration “Figures and Landscapes of Fantasy” from the archives of the Štěpán Zavřel Foundation, Carmen Poliero, Executive Director of Legor, will also be present to publicly endorse this valuable collaboration between the community and the business.
A joint project, where the two institutions come together and collaborate for the benefit of the community, fostering generative synergy. Investing in projects like this means investing in the future of the community, its learning, growth, and identity because culture is the thread that binds together past, present, and future generations.
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