Legor among the participants in the presentation of the results of the research “Sustainability: instructions for companies” by Confindustria Vicenza

On Monday 14, in the Room 3 of the University of Vicenza, the presentation of the results of the research “Sustainability: instructions for companies” was held, with which Confindustria Vicenza wanted to support companies in assessing their positioning with respect to ESG criteria.
At the round table Carmen Poliero, Executive Director of Legor, who took part in the event to bring Legor’s experience, recounting the path of responsibility undertaken.
The survey, carried out in collaboration with the Department of Business Economics of the University of Verona, provided an innovative tool for measuring the “level of sustainability” of Vicenza companies based on ESG, as well as on an economic criterion.
By also linking some of the main international certification indexes, the research revealed the state of the art of sustainability in the manufacturing fabric of the province, also going to define benchmarks with respect to the various sectors and different company sizes.
Thanks to the participation of as many as 300 manufacturing companies in the Vicenza area, a “sustainability rating” was therefore identified from which to start planning future actions both at the level of the individual company and of the local business system.
An interesting moment of meeting that underlines the role of sustainability as a mindset for doing business ethically in order to achieve common goals together, in line not only with European directives, but above all with the principles of sustainable development, for the benefit of society and territory.