Legor is among the winners of the Legality & Profit award 2022

Economy launches the “Legality & Profit Award”, a national award dedicated to the 100 Small and Medium Companies that have obtained the Legality Rating and have had the best financial statements in terms of profitability and solidity in 2020.
“The greatest desperation that can take over a company is doubt that being honest is useless”: this sentence by Corrado Alvaro reflects a common thought shared by many Italians, also and above all in the business world.
The Legility & Profit award aims to reward honest and winning companies, selected on the basis of public data and objective criteria.
The award – for which the patronage of the Presidency of the Republic was requested – was awarded to the selected companies on 7 April in Rome at the Senate, with an initial greeting from the President Senator Elisabetta Casellati.
After the proclamation of the 100 winners for 2022, including Legor Group, a debate followed, attended by Roberto Rustichelli, President of the Agcm (Authority for competition and market, in short Antitrust, which established the ” legality) and Giuseppe Busia, president of Anac (National Anti-Corruption Authority) who collaborates with the Agcm in the attribution of ratings. In addition, a representative of the government and some representatives of the business world took part. At the end of the debate, some of the awarded companies had the opportunity to present the reasons for the Legality Rating and their special social commitment. Finally, a testimony by Don Antonio Loffredo – parish priest of the Sanità district of Naples and protagonist of the birth of a social cooperative that has taken dozens of young people off the street – followed by a short musical essay by the Sanitansemble orchestra, closed the event.