Legor at “The Jewelry Symposium for the for the Advancement of Jewelry Manufacturing Technology”

Legor at “The Jewelry Symposium for the for the Advancement of Jewelry Manufacturing Technology”
The curtain has fallen on the first edition of “The Jewelry Symposium for the Advancement of Jewelry Manufacturing Technology” in Minneapolis, which Legor certainly could not miss.
In fact, the symposium picks up the baton of the well-known “The Santa Fe Symposium” – now in its last edition in 2022 after 34 years -, one of the most important international events in the field of training and technological updating for experts in the world of jewelry.
Last 14 May, thanks to the participation of Andrea Friso, in the role of speaker at the conference, we had the opportunity to share our experience so far in the field of Binder Jet technology the jewellery world: from the comparison with the various technologies currently used up to the results obtained after more than a year of research and development on different materials printed with this innovative additive manufacturing technique.
For Legor it was an honor to be part of this new stage where innovation is king. For us promoting innovation is essential: it means contributing to progress, as an invitation to always think outside of the box. Because innovation is not the same as taking risks but promoting a positive transformation.
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