Legor inaugurates the 3D Metal Hub: a center for sustainable innovation dedicated to 3D Printing

Progress. Innovation. Sustainability.
These are the words that have led the inauguration of Legor’s 3D Metal Hub in Bressanvido, a real innovative center aimed at experimenting and manufacturing precious and non precious components using HP’s revolutionary Binder Jet technology.
On March 31st, 2022, Legor officially announced the start of a strategic collaboration with the American company HP Inc. for the development of innovative precious metals for the 3D Metal Jet system, an alternative method to the classic investment casting, which allows us to be not only more innovative, but also more sustainable. 3D printing, in fact, does not require the combustion of waxes or resins or the use of gypsum (calcium sulphate) as a casting material, containing free breathable silica. It is our way of promoting the sustainability of production processes.
The inauguration of the 3D Metal Hub was an opportunity to present the project to the whole Legor team. Massimo Poliero (CEO of Legor Group) and Corso Balboni (General Manager of Legor Group) talked about the path that started in 2014 with the production of Powmet powders for 3D printing, which led to the consolidation of the Group’s presence in a highly avant-garde sector. Legor is in fact the first company to experiment the revolutionary 3D Metal Binder Jet technology serving the jewelry and fashion accessories market.

After the presentation, the Legor Team had the opportunity to visit the 3D printing room, see how the printers function, touch the pieces, witness a project that has changed the appearance of a part of the company and that will certainly mark its future.