Legor becomes a Benefit Company as a seal of its responsible commitment

Legor has always upheld the importance of the values of corporate ethics in terms of the impact it has on the social context in which it operates, and the environmental impact it generates. The company aims to develop a socially responsible environment and foster the professional growth of all its employees while respecting local and supranational laws and human rights.
Responsibility, as a global concern for our planet, is what guides Legor, every day, in its choices: from the gradual reduction in waste and emissions – by measuring its carbon footprint – to using recycled and certified raw materials, caring about the well-being of its employees, as well as taking action to support the local community and environmental, social and sports associations in the local area and beyond.
Legor has therefore decided to change its articles of association and become a Benefit Company to reflect a more progressive corporate paradigm, thereby incorporating the intention of having a positive impact on society and the biosphere into its corporate purpose in order to generate profit.
The company thus endorses its responsible commitment – rooted in its DNA – to achieve the right balance between creating value for people and the environment, and economic value.