Legor Group participates to the event at CAME SpA

On February 17th, Massimo Poliero, CEO and President of Legor Group has participated to the second event of CAME SpA for 2022.
The theme of teh evening is: the New Restart of Medium-sized Enterprises thanks to Innovative Finance
Tools and Methods, Paths and Experiences to Navigate thanks to Innovative Tools
These speakers have intervened during the event:
- Ferdinanzo Azzariti, President Salone d’Impresa Srl
- Matteo Maestri, President Gruppo Estrima
- Paolo Menuzzo, President CAME SpA
- Elettra Pescetto, Product development, Equity Primary Markets – Borsa italiana Euronext Group
- Massimo Poliero, President LEGOR GROUP SPA
- Vito Rotondi, CEO M.E.P. Macchine Elettroniche Piegatrici S.p.A.
- Gianmarco Russo, General Director Veneto Sviluppo SpA
- Antonio Zecchino, President Cavour Corporate Finance
- Ivan Canovese, Partner Expense Reduction Analysts – Europe
- Mario Zambelli, Partner Salone d’Impresa Srl