Legor expands its value proposition: from now on also products with non-precious metals 100% from recycled sources with UNI EN ISO 14021:2021 certification

One of the fundamental principles of the Group has always been taking Care of the planet we live in and its inhabitants through a responsibility path based on several fronts.
Since 2021 Legor has been able to guarantee the integrity of the production chain and document every single step, thanks to the CoC – Chain of Custody certification, issued by RJC – Responsible Jewelery Council. Legor is among the first companies in the metallurgical and chemical sector serving the gold, silver and fashion accessory sectors able to certify, through the Provenance Claim and the RJC Chain-of-Custody, that its alloys, powders and plating solutions are made only with precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium) 100% from recycled sources and inserted within the Chain of Custody.
But Legor never stops!
To broaden its value proposition, Legor is now able to guarantee that even non-precious metals (Silicon, Tin, Indium, Cobalt, Gallium, Germanium and Copper) come from 100% recycled sources for the products within of the UNI EN ISO 14021:2021 certification, issued by Bureau Veritas, obtained in October 2022.
An ethical choice rooted in Legor’s DNA, in line with the manufacturing needs of the circular economy and the increasingly relevant future consumers’ demands.