Legor at Green Week Festival: from the Magic 5, precious heroes for responsible sourcing, to the synergy with the entire supply chain

The eleventh edition of Green Week has just ended, the showcase of green-thinking promoted by ItalyPost, Symbola and Corriere della Sera in which Legor participated on the occasion of the panel « Precious metals: a circular world to discover » in Parma, Friday 10 June.
The intervention – which was also attended by some of the main players in the sector, such as Elite, Lem Industries and Unoaerre Industries -, starting from the concept that, in the world of luxury, one of the main factors that impacts on the environment is the source of supply of metals, underlined how the recycling of the latter is fundamental for the sector in a circular economy perspective. Just think that the use of recycled metal, compared to the use of finished virgin minerals, reduces air pollution by 80%, water pollution by 76% and the use of water by 40%.
Among the founding principles of Legor, the protection of the Planet and People is fundamental. This is why the company has embarked on a path of responsibility guided by a sustainable approach both towards the Planet and People.
Indeed, Legor Group S.p.A. is the first and, to date, the only company operating in chemistry and metallurgy serving jewellery and fashion accessory sectors that is able to certify that its alloys, powders and plating solutions are made only with precious metals coming from 100% recycled sources.
Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium: these are the “Magic 5”, the five metals symbols of the ethical choice rooted in the company DNA, following economic and financial needs and the more and more relevant requests of future consumers.
A choice that in turn embraces the entire supply chain of actors involved, helping to generate shared and widespread value.