Earth is the most precious resource we all share.
Besides people, companies must also do their part to take care of it.
The environmental issue, the pandemic and the consequent international economic crisis have forced a concrete reflection on the new concept of responsibility, which today is understood not only in a traditional perspective, but it also includes environmental, social and governance aspects.
In this context, the Sustainability Award – promoted by Credit Suisse and Kon Group – recognizes the ability of those virtuous companies that have demonstrated that they are pursuing sustainable, inclusive and stable growth, also creating added value for the community and future generations.

Legor was among the top 100 sustainable companies, thus winning the Sustainabilty Award. But that’s not all, because Legor also received the special mention for being among the top 50 companies that, by participating in both editions, obtained the most significant increases in the ESG rating.
An important recognition that rewards Legor for having made sustainable development an integral part of its DNA, setting up processes, systems and resources in order to be able to reduce its environmental and social impact.